Saturday, June 18, 2011

How to cite MATLAB (bibtex / latex)

So I’ve been extensively using MATLAB recently and while writing a paper had to cite it. Simple thing, no? The whole problem is that MATLAB is a software (@electronic, right?), but it is a corporate publisher, with specified version. So one would expect an output like

[1] MATLAB version 7.10.0. Natick, Massachusetts: The MathWorks Inc., 2010.

  • Title of software: MATLAB
  • Version of software: version 7.10.0
  • Place of publication: Natick, Massachusetts:
  • Publisher: The MathWorks Inc.,
  • Year of publication: 2010.
But however hard I tried, this wouldn’t get compiled into my pdf file. Final solution?

year = {2010},
author = {MATLAB},
title = {version 7.10.0 (R2010a)},
publisher = {The MathWorks Inc.},
address = {Natick, Massachusetts}

Done. In a very similar manner, I also learned how to cite NS-2 


  1. If the software name and version are split between two fields, some bibliography styles will make part of it roman and part italic, which looks bad. Better is the following:

    Address = {Natick, Massachusetts},
    Organization = {The Mathworks, Inc.},
    Title = { MATLAB version (R2015a)},
    Year = {2015}}

    1. how do i find the place of publication? will it be same in every version?

    2. I'm guessing that, if MATLAB moves, users will hear about it. I checked the above information by Googling "how to cite MATLAB", and Natick, MA seems to be the only response.
